I’m Kamil Żak, but @kh0p is much shorter; meaning of it is unclear due to its randomness. I’m doing mathematics, economics, programming, visualization, technology, graphics and general ‘art’.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
- Defalut sidebar image Thomas Cole: The Consummation of Empire. Oil on canvas, 1836, 51 × 76 in. From five-part series of paintings called The Course of Empire.
- Blog John Singer Sargent: Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose. Oil on canvas, 1885, 68.5 × 60.5 in. The title comes from the refrain of a popular song Ye Shepherds Tell Me by Joseph Mazzinghi.
- Work Apollodorus of Damascus (Greek: Ἀπολλόδωρος), bust from 130/140 AD. On display at Munich Glyptothek, Saal XI: Saal der römischen Bildnisse, No. 31.