
public data hacking

Small bus tracking code which gets current longitude and latitude of bus from ctabustracker. It calculates range between given point and bus actual location; distance is returned in miles. It also displays current position of bus on map using google static maps API.

usage of urllib, webbrowser and xml.etree.ElementTree:

import urllib.request
import xml.etree.ElementTree as eltree
# requesting page with urllib and saving to data variable
u = urllib.request.urlopen('')
data =
# parsing doc and going to root of xml data
doc = eltree.parse('inputfile.xml') 
root = doc.getroot()

# running findall on parsed data, and using findtext to get certain info
for bus in doc.findall('bus'):
   id_of_bus = bus.findtext('id')
   direction_of_bus = bus.findtext('d')